Inside Friday Prayers
From Shane's Muslim Connect
You know what’s the most annoying thing on Sunday morning at my church? No, not my preaching. It’s the noise made by people opening the hard candies we place in bowls in the middle of each table! Can you hear it in your head right now?!
(I’m on a quest to find, or personally develop, quiet church candies. Let me know if you want to partner in this endeavor.)
Pondering this while a guest spoke last Sunday morning, I was reminded that things are a little tougher in a Muslim gathering. Did you know if you pass gas during salat (scheduled, collective prayers) you have to start over?! (“Khalid, why are you back to work late again from prayer time?” “Well, sir. . . .”)
Speaking of salat, have you ever wondered what actually happens at Friday prayers? This Muslim weekly gathering is the most analogous to Christians’ Sunday morning services. As with anything when describing Muslims, there are a lot of them! Expect variety and differences. Here’s a general run down:
- Muslims gather on Friday because it’s deemed holy in the Quran and elsewhere.
- A call to prayer (adman) is given between noon and three and men gather at the mosque, washing before entering the prayer area. Friday prayers are compulsory for men, ok for women.
- A sermon (Khutba) of around 30 minutes is delivered. It’s frowned upon to talk, read and eat (including candy) during the talk. In some situations, a pause for personal prayer is taken in the middle of the talk.
- According to a Hadith, the sermon should be shorter, so the prayer afterward can be longer. (I know someone who could stand to learn that! You?)
- The topics of the sermons usually revolve around spiritual reminders, current events, social issues, and family.
- Immediately following the sermon, worshipers participate in two brief rounds of corporate prayer.